Tucson Convention Center

Table of Contents


  1. Surrounding Areas

    1. Things to Do

      1. The Arts

        1. Museums

          1. Arizona Historical Society - Fort Lowell Museum

            628-5774, 949 E. 2nd St., central Tucson. Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Allow 2 hours. Adults $8, Ages 65+ $6, Adult student $5, Ages 7-17 $4, Ages 6 and younger free with family. AHS Members and Veterans are free. Two-for-one admission the first Tuesday of each month. There is no admission fee for the Research Library. Artifacts and displays tracing the area’s military and general history. Displays include period rooms, trends in transportation and industry.


            For additional information & other things to do in Tucson Click Here.