Hope College

Table of Contents


  1. Residential Life

    1. Residence Halls

      1. Phelps Hall

        Phelps Hall is a co-ed hall — the second floor is for men and third floor is for women — with 80 rooms that house 160 first-year and sophomore students. It is named after the Rev. Philip Phelps, Jr., Hope College's first President.

        Phelps Hall was built in 1960 as a women's dormitory; it was enlarged and remodeled in 1980. Phelps Hall dining hall underwent an additional $4 million renovation in 2013 and 2014.

        The floors are tiled, and residents can put down carpeting or rugs. Each room has blinds on the windows. The beds are stackable-style beds that can be bunked or lofted. Each room includes:

        • Extra-long twin beds
        • Two four-drawer dressers with hutch
        • Two desks with four large drawers, one small drawer and chairs
        • Internet available
        • Bathrooms are shared; no in-bathroom storage

        A dining hall, computer lab, laundry room and lounges are also found in Phelps.

        Follow Phelps Hall on Instagram @phelps.hall