New York Medical College

Table of Contents


  1. NYMC Clinical Sites/Affiliates

    1. GSBMS Clinical Sites

      1. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) James J. Peters VA Medical Center

        130 West Kingsbridge Road
        Bronx, NY 10468-3904

        The James J. Peters Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center is the oldest VA facility in New York City. The Medical Center is situated on a historic site in the borough of the Bronx. Located on the highest point in New York City, it served as a strategic vantage point during the Revolutionary War. James J. Peters VA Medical Center has 311 authorized hospital beds and 120 nursing home beds and operates several regional referral points including Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) referrals for medical/surgical subspecialties. The Center is the referral point for VISN’s 2, 3 and 4, as well as Department of Defense (DOD) new SCI patients.