Williams College

Table of Contents


  1. Stockbridge-Munsee Community Partnership

    1. Land Acknowledgement

      In 2021-22, the Committee on Diversity and Community (CDC) facilitated the development of a draft land acknowledgment from the college. While only one step in a longer restorative process, the acknowledgment and the process of developing it increased attention to the college’s relationship with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community and the fact that Williams was founded and is located on the Community’s ancestral homelands. 

      In drafting the acknowledgement, the CDC drew on input from faculty and representatives of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community’s Tribal Historic Preservation Office. Williams' senior staff and Board of Trustees then reviewed it and proposed revisions. The final version was published with their support in the fall of 2021. It is available on the Williams Diversity website and is available for use by departments, units and people in our community.