The Wellsville campus library reflects the courses taught at the School of Vocational Studies. The library houses an extensive collection of automotive manuals in print and microfiche, and also includes materials on cooking, drafting, welding, autobody repair, housing construction, and other subjects related to the curricula offered at Wellsville.
- 3,200 volumes
- 30 current journal titles
- Five daily newspapers
- Includes an extensive collection of automotive manuals in print and microfiche, as well as materials on film, videocassette, slide and filmstrip.
Materials in the Wellsville Campus Library are listed in our online catalog with a "Wlsv" before the call number. Alfred campus students may borrow from the Wellsville Campus Library. Simply contact a Hinkle Library staff member (607) 587-4313 with the call number. The item will be sent to the Hinkle Library via campus mail. Wellsville Campus students may borrow from the Hinkle Library. Materials from Hinkle Library will be sent to Wellsville via campus mail.
Both the Hinkle Library and the Wellsville branch library are handicapped accessible and are open to the public at no charge.