The Omwake-Dearborn Chapel was opened and dedicated in February, 1964. A gift to the College from the people of the Southern Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church (now the United Church of Christ), the Chapel is American Gothic in design. Two dramatic stained glass windows, one in the chancel rising high above the altar, and a rose window above the balcony over the narthex, dominate the Chapel interior. A comprehensive three-manual Casavant pipe organ was given to the Chapel by the late Mrs. Annie Warlick Shuford Rankin, and her son, Adrian L. Shuford, Jr., trustee chairman emeritus, of Conover, N.C.
The sanctuary seats around 800 and the building contains the Lilly Center Coffeehouse, A Bride's Dressing Room, a Groom's Dressing Room, and office and study for the College Chaplain. The Chapel was built "to the glory of God in honor of J.W. Abernethy, Sr., trustee advisor, and benefactor of the College." In May, 1969, it was named the Omwake-Dearborn Chapel in memory of two former Catawba presidents, Dr. Howard R. Omwake (1931-42) and Dr. Donald C. Dearborn (1963-67). Interestingly, Dr. Omwake was Dr. Dearborn's father-in-law.
Portraits of Drs. Omwake and Dearborn, and Mr. Abernethy, the late former vice-president of the Catawba Board of Trustees, hang in the Chapel's narthex.
The Chapel is often used for religious services, musical events, and weddings.
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