Catawba College

Table of Contents


  1. Academics and Administration

    1. Keppel Auditorium


      Located in the Robertson College-Community Center, Keppel Auditorium, named after Dr.A. R. Keppel the fourteenth president of Catawba College, is a 1449-seat proscenium theatre with an orchestra, mezzanine, loge, and balcony. Special features include a removable orchestra pit and removable floor traps. The auditorium is also equipped with a single purchase fly system with 31 battens.

      The lighting system is comprised of a computerized control console, 112 dimmers, over two hundred lighting instruments, and ten hanging positions. Sound reinforcement utilizes a 36 channel modern mixing console, equalization equipment for each of the multiple speaker outputs, a complete patch bay, and an array of accessory equipment. Students are provided many opportunities to work with the equipment in real production situations.

      The proscenium arch is 48'-6" wide and 26' feet tall. In addition to being used for mainstage productions and dance concerts, Keppel Auditorium is regularly rented out to local groups and touring production companies. Often, Catawba students are given the opportunity to work with these groups in a house crew capacity.

      Theatre Arts