Abernethy Village consists of five new residence halls (Goodman East, Goodman West, Fuller, Graham, Purcell Halls) constructed in 2007 and designed to accommodate up to 124 upper class students, as determined by credit hours completed. Each of the residence halls is three-stories tall with a brick façade, is fully sprinkled, and has an accessible entrance on the first floor. Each building has one Resident Assistant.
Two of the five halls (Goodman East and Goodman West) feature suite-style living spaces which share common study areas on the second and third floors, as well as two kitchens to be shared by residents on all three floors. Three of the buildings (Fuller, Graham, and Purcell Halls) feature apartment-style living spaces and have a kitchen per apartment.
Goodman East (male students) and Goodman West (female students) share a courtyard of brick pavers, while common landscaping and walkways between all the buildings tie the halls together.
Residence Halls