York College

Table of Contents


  1. Academic Buildings

    1. Willman Business Center

      Students in majors such as Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship, Integrated Marketing Communications, Sport Management, Sport Media, and Supply Chain Management, among others, will find many of their classes in this building. Students in these programs will also meet here with faculty in this building for advising and other career advice.

      The Willman Business Center features spaces such as the NASDAQ Trading Lab, where students can practice financial management and trading, as well as spaces such as Yorkview Hall and Weinstock Lecture Hall, both of which are ideal for hosting and attending events with subject matter experts. From the World Clocks showing current times all over the globe, to the various business news channels streaming playing on the TV’s, to the active Stock Ticker that is automatically updated, it is evident that sGSB Students are getting a globally-focused, engaging, and relevant education.